How to Pay For Your Next Miami Beach Vacation with Cryptocurrency
Have you ever dreamed of a beach vacation in Miami, but you’re unsure of where to start? There’s a lot to love about a trip to Miami Beach when it comes to vacations, but the cost can sometimes be a bit of a worry. However, starting with the ideal payment terms could be an excellent […]
How To Make Your Second Home Cash-Flow Positive
Second homes are usually purchased for their scenic, relaxing location. Lakes, mountains, and beaches are, therefore, popular settings. That’s why they also make excellent vacation rental properties. However, maximizing the cash flow isn’t as simple as hanging a “For Rent” sign in the window. If you still want to use your second home occasionally, you’ll […]
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Tips For Choosing The Right Vacation Rental Property Manager
If you think you can handle managing your vacation rental property yourself, you might be in for a rude awakening. Unlike yearly rentals, vacation homes demand a level of labor intensity and customer service that many property owners are ill-equipped to handle. That’s because a vacation rental puts its owner in the hospitality business. Generally, […]
Kids Pool
Tax Rules For Renting Out Your Vacation Home
The rise in second homes used as vacation rentals is a helpful way for owners to earn extra income and enjoy some tax benefits. However, the IRS has strict rules when deciding what qualifies as a tax deduction on your vacation home. Here’s the breakdown. 1. If your vacation home was rented out for 14 […]